Je suis un industriel
Implémenter des solutions innovantes
Appros et matières premières
Je cherche des solutions pour décarboner les approvisionnements et les matières premières de mon entreprise.
Green Spot Technologies
Challenging the food waste paradigm to feed a better future ✨Earthshot Prize ✨French Tech Agri20 ✨French Tech 2030 Green Spot Technologies (GST) utilise sa technologie de fermentation en milieu solide et l'upcycling pour proposer les ingrédients alimentaires de demain. 1/ Gamme de solutions alternatives d'ingrédients cacao Ferment'Up, des poudres permettant … [voir plus]
Origem Sustainable Sourcing
Fulfill companies’ sourcing ambitions by bringing them closer to sustainable solutions Origem guides your company implementing a sustainable sourcing strategy. Today, having a sustainable and traceable sourcing strategy is both a strength and a competitive advantage. Tomorrow, it will be the norm: requirements related to traceability and social and environmental … [voir plus]
Augmented wood / Decarbonized materials for a new industrial revolution. Woodoo is unlocking the future of construction—leading the way toward more sustainable, resilient cities. How? By transforming underutilized hardwood into a cutting-edge wood composite material: STACK. STACK redefines what wood can do, providing a low-carbon and high-performance alternative to steel, … [voir plus]