Tracer vos matériaux et déchets n'a jamais été aussi simple ! 🎯 Altaroad est une start-up innovante française fondée en 2017 par trois profils complémentaires (Télécom ParisTech/HEC, X/ Ponts et chaussées, UC Riverside), spin off de l'École Polytechnique, de l’université Gustave Eiffel (ex Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées) et … [voir plus]
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BeFC Bioenzymatic Fuel Cells
Together, power the future with nature.® BeFC make electricity with papers and enzymes. Our paper biofuel cells use enzymes to convert sugars and oxygen into electricity for the next generation of ultra-low-power electronics. BeFC technology is metal-free, meaning our biofuel cells are completely organic, simplifying disposal and recycling at end-of-life. … [voir plus]

Calyxia | Certified B CORP
Advanced and Sustainable Chemistry. Service provider for Micropcasules and Microparticles. Leader in microencapsulation - Advanced Sustainable Chemistry. Calyxia designs, manufactures, and sells high-performing and eco-engineered microcapsule solutions that enable global manufacturers to advance product performance and achieve sustainability goals. We serve leading industrial clients in Agriculture, Cosumer Care, and Advanced … [voir plus]

NDIR Gas Sensors - Outdoor & Indoor Air Quality Stations - High-Resolution Pollution Map Founded in December 2014, eLichens' mission is to provide relevant and comprehensive information about the air we breathe. The company relies on a portfolio of patents, know-how and skills that enable a complete air quality solution … [voir plus]

Elyse Energy
Hydrogène vert & valorisation du carbone Fondée en 2020, Elyse Energy est une PME industrielle française indépendante, pionnière de la production de molécules bas-carbone. Elyse Energy développe, finance, construit et exploite des usines de production de e-méthanol et de carburants d’aviation durables. Ces usines utilisent des technologies de pointe pour … [voir plus]

Faircraft develops a highly sustainable, lab-grown alternative to animal leather. Faircraft develops a highly sustainable, lab-grown alternative to animal leather, based on advanced tissue engineering and material science techniques. [voir plus]

Green Spot Technologies
Challenging the food waste paradigm to feed a better future ✨Earthshot Prize ✨French Tech Agri20 ✨French Tech 2030 Green Spot Technologies (GST) utilise sa technologie de fermentation en milieu solide et l'upcycling pour proposer les ingrédients alimentaires de demain. 1/ Gamme de solutions alternatives d'ingrédients cacao Ferment'Up, des poudres permettant … [voir plus]

Groupe Absolut
Comprendre la Terre - Concevoir le Futur L’innovation cryogénique au service de la décarbonation, de la fiabilisation et du contrôle de l’infrastructure énergétique. Depuis plus de 10 ans le groupe Absolut est reconnu pour sa capacité d’innovation et un savoir-faire unique en cryogénie multi-secteurs. Avec des compétences en développement de … [voir plus]

Development of PEM Fuel Cell Systems and electric solutions powered with hydrogen H2SYS propose des solutions électriques à partir d’hydrogène. Spécialiste des systèmes pile à combustible, H2SYS développe, conçoit et fabrique des solutions technologiques et innovantes pour produire de l’électricité bas carbone. H2SYS propose 4 gammes de produits: des systèmes … [voir plus]

Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies
Pionnier du ciment décarboné Fondé en 2014 et basé à Bournezeau en Vendée, Hoffmann Green conçoit, produit et commercialise des ciments innovants fortement décarbonés, avec une empreinte carbone divisée par 5 par rapport à des ciments traditionnels, qui présentent, à dosage équivalent et sans aucune modification du processus de fabrication … [voir plus]

Climate change is the challenge of our generation. As innovators, we believe disruptive technology can bring performant solutions to the most dire challenges we face as a society. As we seek a more respectful way of living on our planet, nature itself has much to offer and teach us, starting … [voir plus]

INOCEL is accelerating the energy transition by democratizing cutting-edge high-performance hydrogen fuel cells INOCEL is a company based in France that designs, manufactures, and markets high power, modular fuel cells for stationary, heavy ground mobility and marine sectors. INOCEL expertise includes the end-to-end development of fuel cells and their integration … [voir plus]

Chaleur industrielle décarbonée Jimmy conçoit et opère des générateurs thermiques atomiques pour décarboner massivement l'industrie [voir plus]

The leading environmental intelligence company Kayrros is the leader in global environmental intelligence and asset observation technology. Applying AI and cutting-edge geoanalytics to satellite imagery and ground-truth data, we are trusted to deliver critical intelligence on energy, climate and sustainability. Kayrros insights on reducing greenhouse gases, protecting people and assets, … [voir plus]

Natural Solutions to Microplastics Pioneer in the natural polymer field, Lactips develops, produces and commercializes a plastic without plastic, 100% biobased, totally biodegradable in all environments, and water soluble. Thanks to their unique properties, Lactips’ products are ideally positionned to meet the environmental challenges of the packaging and labeling markets, … [voir plus]
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MATERRUP Ciments bas carbone
Ciment local et bas carbone argile non calcinée | EIC accelerator | Frenchtech2030 | GreenTech | Deeptech | Climatetech Materrup, jeune entreprise industrielle à impact, produit un ciment structurel bas carbone de type 42,5, à base d’argile non calcinée des territoires. Ce ciment local réduit de moitié les émissions de … [voir plus]

Increase Sustainability, Energy Efficiency & Productivity for your Industrial Facilities METRON is a French Cleantech, leader of energy performance, energy cost & carbon footprint reduction for international groups, thanks to its digital platform of energy management and optimization. Thanks to its Energy Management & Optimization System (EMOS) platform, METRON provides … [voir plus]
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NEW MOBILITY MAKER - Autonomous vehicles for shared and on-demand transport La révolution MILLA GROUP : MILLA, lauréat de FrenchTech 2030, fait rentrer la mobilité intelligente dans le quotidien des acteurs du transport MILLA, fabricant de systèmes de transport automatisés, se positionne comme un pionnier dans l'effort de rendre le … [voir plus]

Making the impossible by sculpting carbon at nanoscale Stemming from CEA and MIT research on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNT), NAWAH is today the world leader of this revolutionary material, key to the energy transition and many other applications. NAWAH designs, manufactures, and sells products for the composite and hydrogen … [voir plus]

Fournisseur de chaleur renouvelable, leader de la chaleur solaire Newheat provides solar heat for large heat consumers. Newheat designs, finances, builds and operates its own heat generation plants (using water / steam / thermal oil) produced from proven solar thermal technologies. Each of these plants owned by Newheat is located … [voir plus]
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We provide durable solutions to recyclers manufacturers and waste managers of plastic materials via our digital platform Circular economy is the key attribute of Poly to Poly. Our expertise in the area of analysis and characterization helps our recyclers add value to their products and at the same time provide … [voir plus]

Compute Better. Innovate Faster. Qarnot is a french company, incorporated in 2010, providing its clients with a unique solution to drastically reduce their carbon footprint linked to their digital activities. Instead of concentrating servers in datacenters, our strategy relies on a computing power infrastructure distributed in buildings (offices, housings, public … [voir plus]

Qualisteo est une entreprise innovante spécialisée dans l'efficacité énergétique, qui se différencie par ses innovations Qualisteo est une entreprise innovante spécialisée dans le monitoring des consommations électriques des sites industriels. Qualisteo propose un système de mesure non-intrusif unique qui permet de mesurer les consommations électriques du site, et un logiciel … [voir plus]

Waste is displaced resource. We render PV industry truly circular! ROSI is a company offering innovative solutions for recycling and revalorization of raw materials in the PV industry. The technologies allow to recover highly pure silicon and other metals currently lost during the production of photovoltaic cells and at the … [voir plus]

Imaginer, concevoir, produire les matériaux de demain Industrialiser la production frittage SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering) SINTERMAT est une start-up en forte croissance qui réconcilie technologie, industrie et environnement. À partir de matières industrielles et naturelles, nous concevons des matériaux à haute performance pour les secteurs du luxe, de l’emballage, de … [voir plus]

Proprietary drone based magnetic technology for the automation of pipelines & cables maintenance in complex environments Skipper NDT is the market leading deeptech technology enabling buried pipeline maintenance automation using UAVs. The company leverages the most recent hardware and software innovations, combined with magnetic measurements, to provide pipeline operators with … [voir plus]

Efficient Electric Motor WHYLOT specialises in developing and marketing innovative electric motor. It researches highly compact, affordable solutions, providing a new development service which is both low-cost and effective. [voir plus]

Augmented wood / Decarbonized materials for a new industrial revolution. Woodoo is unlocking the future of construction—leading the way toward more sustainable, resilient cities. How? By transforming underutilized hardwood into a cutting-edge wood composite material: STACK. STACK redefines what wood can do, providing a low-carbon and high-performance alternative to steel, … [voir plus]