Fournisseur de chaleur renouvelable, leader de la chaleur solaire
Newheat provides solar heat for large heat consumers.
Newheat designs, finances, builds and operates its own heat generation plants (using water / steam / thermal oil) produced from proven solar thermal technologies.
Each of these plants owned by Newheat is located near a customer site, to which it delivers a 100% renewable heat.
Newheat has 2 differents types of customers :
- Large industries (Pulp&paper, Chemicals, Food&Bev...)
- District Heating Networks
solar thermal, process heat, district heating, renewable energy, heat recovery, industrial process, thermal engineering, and heat pump
Fournisseur d'énergie thermique verte/renouvelable • Newheat
Fournisseur de chaleur solaire et de récupération pour les grands consommateurs de chaleur
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