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RFiD Discovery | A Paragon ID company
RFiD Discovery (a Paragon ID company) are the track and trace experts RFiD Discovery is the trading name of RFiD Discovery Solutions Ltd, owned by Paragon ID, a global leader in identification solutions. We provide tracking solutions to a wide variety of sectors including healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, oil & gas, … [voir plus]
A retrouver sur CCI Business :
BeeBryte - New Ways for Energy Efficiency
Logiciel de pilotage prédictif des groupes froids & systèmes de réfrigération basé sur l'IA BeeBryte fournit des services innovants d'exploitation et de maintenance à distance (O&M) pour les systèmes de chauffage-refroidissement (CVC-R) dans les bâtiments commerciaux et les usines. Nous aidons nos clients à consommer l'énergie de manière plus intelligente, … [voir plus]
Unlocking the hidden value of electric vehicles through smart charging and vehicle-to-grid. Energy portfolio is beginning to be more distributed, with a focus on building sustainable communities of energy. Plus the growth of Electric vehicle it's important to have more charging stations with better ROI. Vital to this is user … [voir plus]
Sobriété et Performance de vos services numériques 🌍 GREENSPECTOR is the editor of the first solution dedicated to energy efficiency for mobile and IoT applications. The suite allows digital teams to lower the consumption of energy and resources of software that they make or integrate. Battery life is extended, performances … [voir plus]