Expert en fabrication de filaments 3D Francofil est une société française spécialisée dans la production de filaments techniques destinés à l’impression 3D. Les filaments sont développés et fabriqués sur le site de production en Normandie. Pour la fabrication de ses filaments, Francofil utilise des co-produits issus de différents filières (agriculture, … [voir plus]
Natural Solutions to Microplastics Pioneer in the natural polymer field, Lactips develops, produces and commercializes a plastic without plastic, 100% biobased, totally biodegradable in all environments, and water soluble. Thanks to their unique properties, Lactips’ products are ideally positionned to meet the environmental challenges of the packaging and labeling markets, … [voir plus]
A retrouver sur CCI Business :
XtreeE, the large-scale 3D
Less carbon in buildings, more efficiency in construction - XtreeE's mission is to shape a low-carbon living environment while increasing construction productivity. XtreeE is a technology platform that allows project owners, architects, engineers, product designers, construction and precast firms to design & manufacture optimized building and infrastructure elements thanks … [voir plus]