Regenerating living ecosystems 🌱
Our mission: to regenerate terrestrial ecosystems on a large scale to tackle global challenges using field experience, local communities, science and technology.
Since its inception in 2010, Reforest'Action has implemented more than 1,500 projects in 45 countries, mainly through funding from over 3,500 companies.
As a fast-growing company, Reforest'Action aims to restore and regenerate 1 million hectares of (agro)forestry ecosystems by 2030, thereby contributing to the global forestry goals.
By providing nature-based solutions that meet the objectives of corporate model transformation, consistent with their carbon strategies, Reforest'Action aims to contribute to the transition to a regenerative economy.
Relever les défis climat et biodiversité en régénérant des écosystèmes agro-forestiers résilients, aux multiples impacts mesurés dans la durée.