Origem Sustainable Sourcing
Fulfill companies’ sourcing ambitions by bringing them closer to sustainable solutions
Origem guides your company implementing a sustainable sourcing strategy.
Today, having a sustainable and traceable sourcing strategy is both a strength and a competitive advantage. Tomorrow, it will be the norm: requirements related to traceability and social and environmental production conditions of raw materials will be as important as quality and prices.
Origem wants to embody the companies’ shift towards models that will transcend Human and Nature’s strength
At Origem ...
• We look for exemplary raw materials; whether mineral, plant or animal
• We identify and connect the links of your sustainable supply chains
• We walk up the thread of your supply chains
• We tell your products' story, from their origin
To learn more:
Accueil - Origem
Chez Origem, notre mission consiste à (re)connecter les entreprises à leurs sources d’approvisionnement, au bénéfice de la Nature et des Hommes. Nous accompagnons les entreprises qui cherchent à maîtriser leurs filières stratégiques, consolider leurs ambitions sourcing, piloter efficacement leur transition ou innover durablement.