Tracer vos matériaux et déchets n'a jamais été aussi simple ! 🎯 Altaroad est une start-up innovante française fondée en 2017 par trois profils complémentaires (Télécom ParisTech/HEC, X/ Ponts et chaussées, UC Riverside), spin off de l'École Polytechnique, de l’université Gustave Eiffel (ex Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées) et … [voir plus]
A retrouver sur CCI Business :

NDIR Gas Sensors - Outdoor & Indoor Air Quality Stations - High-Resolution Pollution Map Founded in December 2014, eLichens' mission is to provide relevant and comprehensive information about the air we breathe. The company relies on a portfolio of patents, know-how and skills that enable a complete air quality solution … [voir plus]

Compute Better. Innovate Faster. Qarnot is a french company, incorporated in 2010, providing its clients with a unique solution to drastically reduce their carbon footprint linked to their digital activities. Instead of concentrating servers in datacenters, our strategy relies on a computing power infrastructure distributed in buildings (offices, housings, public … [voir plus]