Abeeway is a leading provider of disruptive IoT solutions for battery-powered tracking, based on innovative LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) network connectivity and a patented cloud-powered technology that makes positioning low power and more valuable. Abeeway offers its expertise and services to achieve powerful and complete geolocation solutions with shortest … [voir plus]
A retrouver sur CCI Business :
Actility connects the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Actility, one of the co-inventors of LoRaWAN® technology and a founding member of the LoRa Alliance, is the leader in industrial-grade low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) connectivity and IoT tracking solutions. Actility’s ThingParkTM platform, which supports multi-radio connectivity (LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M), powers the … [voir plus]
ODO Smart Systems
Nous développons des solutions pour planifier, optimiser et analyser les flux logistiques. ODO-VIA Smart Systems propose des solutions logistiques innovantes permettant d’optimiser l’organisation et la traçabilité du transport des matières premières et des déchets : ODO-VÍA Smart Weighing met à disposition des exploitants de plateformes de stockage, de valorisation et … [voir plus]