Actility connects the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Actility, one of the co-inventors of LoRaWAN® technology and a founding member of the LoRa Alliance, is the leader in industrial-grade low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) connectivity and IoT tracking solutions. Actility’s ThingParkTM platform, which supports multi-radio connectivity (LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M), powers the … [voir plus]
Tracer vos matériaux et déchets n'a jamais été aussi simple ! 🎯 Altaroad est une start-up innovante française fondée en 2017 par trois profils complémentaires (Télécom ParisTech/HEC, X/ Ponts et chaussées, UC Riverside), spin off de l'École Polytechnique, de l’université Gustave Eiffel (ex Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées) et … [voir plus]
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La planification dynamique du transport La solution IA pour décarboner, adapter dynamiquement votre supply chain et simplifier le quotidien des planificateurs. Grâce à DCbrain, anticipez et maîtrisez vos flux logistique transport, intralogistique et de planification pour construire une supply chain adaptative et durable. [voir plus]
Empowering processes and assets. IoT Solutions for Art and Industries EDITAG is positioned as a major player at the core of innovative trusted digital solutions empowering operations for specific industries. The company enables organizations to receive real-time insights of their operations using connected assets. EDITAG designs, develops and deploys disruptive … [voir plus]
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NDIR Gas Sensors - Outdoor & Indoor Air Quality Stations - High-Resolution Pollution Map Founded in December 2014, eLichens' mission is to provide relevant and comprehensive information about the air we breathe. The company relies on a portfolio of patents, know-how and skills that enable a complete air quality solution … [voir plus]
Enerbee Technology
Enerbee Technology is a company part of F2A group since 2022 developing a ground-breaking micro generator enabling to replace batteries in consumer and industrial smart objects using the power of motion. Enerbee Technology intends to leverage this technology to become the pacesetter for autonomous smart-objects power supplies. [voir plus]
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Une énergie flexible pour un avenir durable. Enerdigit participe au développement de la transition énergétique et des smartgrids. Nous sommes un opérateur d’effacement électrique pour des gros consommateurs d’électricité, notamment industriels, et apportons des solutions de flexibilité pour le réseau électrique. Nous valorisons la flexibilité électrique des entreprises et les … [voir plus]
The smart energy manager of complex systems, for energy market players, in France and worldwide. At the centre of the smart grid revolution, Energy Pool manages and optimizes complex systems (energy consumption of industrial sites, decentralized production, renewable energies, storage devices...) for a smarter and low-carbon energy management and achieve … [voir plus]
Fluidion® is a leader in water quality instrumentation: microbiology, chemistry, sampling, instrumented aquatic drone Fluidion® is a deep-tech company providing a novel paradigm for water quality instrumentation and sampling solutions. Fluidion® addresses the pollution monitoring and water quality markets, from the urban setting (drinking water, rain water and sanitation) to … [voir plus]
ITEN - Solid-state micro-batteries
Powering a new Dimension ITEN develop, manufacture and sell micro-batteries which combine the advantages of both batteries and supercapacitors: - High energy density storage; - Miniaturized SMD components and slim form factor. - Quickly rechargeable (80% in < 7 mn) at a constant voltage ; - Broad operating temperature range … [voir plus]
More than a chip, a Glass Lab-On-Chip More than analysis, control and reactivity Klearia is a Deep Tech company specialized in microfluidics for analytical & synthetic chemistry. We manufacture innovative equipment for R&D and production processes. With more than 10 years of experience in numerous fields such as food & … [voir plus]
L'énergie est notre avenir, stockons-la ! Olenergies conçoit et fabrique des accumulateurs lithium à grande durée de vie, intelligents et très sécurisés pour : - stocker l’énergie issue du renouvelable (champs solaires, éoliens,...), - alimenter en puissance des véhicules (bateaux, avions, robots,...), - apporter de la flexibilité sur le réseau … [voir plus]
Compute Better. Innovate Faster. Qarnot is a french company, incorporated in 2010, providing its clients with a unique solution to drastically reduce their carbon footprint linked to their digital activities. Instead of concentrating servers in datacenters, our strategy relies on a computing power infrastructure distributed in buildings (offices, housings, public … [voir plus]
RFiD Discovery | A Paragon ID company
RFiD Discovery (a Paragon ID company) are the track and trace experts RFiD Discovery is the trading name of RFiD Discovery Solutions Ltd, owned by Paragon ID, a global leader in identification solutions. We provide tracking solutions to a wide variety of sectors including healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, oil & gas, … [voir plus]
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AI Powered Analytics for Energy & Industry AI-powered analytics for Energy and Indsustry. A new generation of analytics intelligence specifically designed to rapidly respond to today’s evolving Energy landscape. We make connected assets smarter by transforming raw sensor data into meaningful information with Adaptix, our adaptive Time Series Analytics platform. … [voir plus]
Fast Wiring Diagnostics & Health Monitoring WiN MS solutions reduce risks and costs due to wiring and connection malfunctions using an innovative and patented technology that can diagnose and monitor the health of a cable throughout the whole product lifecycle. "Fast wiring diagnostics & predictive maintenance" WiN MS has a … [voir plus]